Tag Archive for: marketing to children

More than music: Raffi brings his dedication to children to Sacramento

Sacramento Bee

  • Raffi featured in The Sacramento Bee discussing respecting young children and not exploiting their inability to understand marketing tactics

  • In recent years, Raffi has turned down “a movie deal, TV shows and commercial endorsements after learning they would be directly marketed at children”

  • Read full article here

Sample Tweet: .@Raffi_RC “[children are] not old enough to understand what they’re being pitched,” he said. “If you respect young children — if you respect anyone — you don’t exploit them”. Stop #Marketing2Kids #BillS228

Nancy Greene Raine on Olympic memories, staying active and fighting Tony the Tiger

Global News

Excerpts: Re: push-back on restricting Tony the Tiger || “This was a 50-year-old man talking about how important Tony the Tiger was. It just tells me how powerful [advertising] was, that even today, he has an emotional connection to that cartoon character… [t]hey know if they get brand loyalty at an early age they have a customer for life” – former Senator Nancy Greene Raine

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Half of food and drink TV ads seen by children are for unhealthy products – study

The Gaurdian

“Half of food and drink advertisements children see on television are for junk food, sugary drinks and outlets such as McDonald’s, prompting fresh calls for tougher action to limit exposure to them.

The research from the Institute for Fiscal Studies comes amid calls for the government to impose much tougher restrictions on the ability of food manufacturers and retailers to advertise junk foods as part of a crackdown on childhood obesity”. 

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Food firms could face litigation over neuromarketing to hijack brains

The Guardian

Leading obesity experts are considering litigation against the food industry in the light of emerging research suggesting that junk food marketing could hijack a child’s brain.

Neuromarketing is of growing interest to food companies. Fast food, soft drinks and snack companies increasingly interact with children through social media and online games. Some are beginning to probe further, gathering information through brain scans about how unconscious decisions are made to eat one snack rather than another and targeting people’s susceptibilities. A report on food neuromarketing to children by the Centre for Digital Democracy in 2011 predicted “an explosive rise in new tactics targeted especially at young people”.

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This is why child obesity rates have soared

The Conversation

Obesity is an issue with no geographical, ethnicity, age or gender boundaries. Rather, obesity is the inevitable consequence of an “obesogenic” environment that we have constructed for ourselves. If we surround children with foods that are high in fat and sugar and restrict their opportunities to run around, they are at risk of developing obesity… On one side of the equation, our food supply is dominated by energy dense, nutrient poor foods that are available 24 hours a day. In the United States alone, companies spend $1.79 billion annually to market unhealthy food to children, compared with only $280 million on healthy foods. In Canada over 90 per cent of food and beverage product ads viewed by children and youth online  are for unhealthy food products. Read full article

Studies have shown that kids may be exposed to as many as 1000 ads a year on television from fast food chains.

CBC News

Studies have shown that kids may be exposed to as many as 1000 ads a year on television from fast food chains. Each child … In fight over ads aimed at kidsretailers and food makers count on Trudeau’s ‘evidencebased policy‘ promise … WATCH: Where’s the evidence linking junk food ads to obesity. Read full article… 

March 2017 – The Dangers of Excess Dietary Sugar, Salt and Saturated Fats

To view or download a PDF copy of the slides, click the links below:

  1. Sugar – Dr. Hammond 
  2. Saturated Fat – Dawna Royall
  3. Salt – Dr. Campbell