Our Vision
The Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition envisions a future for Canada where children and parents make nutritious food choices in an environment free of influence from food and beverage marketing to children.
What We Do
The Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition aims to build awareness about the effects of food and beverage marketing to children in Canada.
Our Coalition unifies stakeholders through evidence-based research and our policy recommendation, the Ottawa Principles. Through cross-sector collaboration and evidence-informed policy development, we encourage the government to adopt robust federal regulations that adequately protect children from commercial food and beverage marketing in Canada.
Who is the Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition?
The Stop Marketing to Kids Coalition is led by Heart & Stroke and the Childhood Healthy Living Foundation, formerly the Childhood Obesity Foundation. We are governed by ten Steering Committee member organizations:
- Heart & Stroke (co-chair)
- Childhood Healthy Living Foundation (co-chair)
- Alberta Policy Coalition for Chronic Disease Prevention
- BC Alliance for Healthy Living
- Canadian Cancer Society
- Canadian Dental Association
- Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada
- Diabetes Canada
- Food Secure Canada
- le Collectif Vital
Our Coalition and policy recommendation are endorsed by more than 120 organizations and notable health experts. Listed below.
National Endorsing Organizations
- Active for Life
- Alberta Policy Coalition for Chronic Disease Prevention
- Alberta Food Matters
- Association of Local Public Health Agencies
- BC Alliance for Healthy Living
- BC Pediatric Society
- Canadian Academy of Pediatric Dentists
- Canadian Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation
- Canadian Association of Gastroenterology
- Canadian Association of Public Health Dentistry
- Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors
- Canadian Association of Nephrology Social Workers
- Canadian Association of Social Workers
- Canadian Cancer Society
- Canadian Council of Cardiovascular Nurses
- Canadian Dental Association
- Canadian Family Advisory Network
- Canadian Medical Association
- Canadian Mental Health Association, BC Division
- Canadian Nurses Association
- Canadian Nutrition Society
- Canadian Pediatric Society
- Canadian Society for Epidemiology and Biostatistics (CSEB)
- Capsana
- Raffi Foundation for Child Honouring
- Centre for Ecoliteracy
- Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario-Ottawa Children’s Treatment Centre (CHEO-OCTC)
- Childhood Healthy Living Foundation
- Child Nutrition Council of Manitoba
- Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada
- College of Family Physicians Canada
- Community Food Centres Canada
- Community Health Nurses of Canada
- Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay – Public Health Department
- Cypress Health Region
- Diabetes Canada
- Dietitians of Canada
- Ecology Action Centre
- EPODE Canada
- Everdale
- First Call BC Child and Youth Advocacy Coalition
- Food Secure Canada
- Fraser Health Medical Health Officers
- Fresh Roots
- FoodArc
- Health Officers Council of BC
- Healthy Active Living and Obesity Research Group, CHEO Research Institute
Healthy Environments and Healthy Families Divisions of the Healthy and Safe Communities Department, City of Hamilton
- Heart & Stroke
- The Helderleigh Foundation
- Hypertension Canada
- INFACT Canada (Infant Feeding Action Coalition Canada)
- Key Gordon
- The Kidney Foundation of Canada
- Labspace Studios
- Institut de Cardiologie de Montréal
- Manitoba Association of Home Economists
- McMaster, Department of Pediatrics
- McMaster Children’s Hospital
- Middlesex-London Board of Health
- NCD Child
- New Brunswick Dental Hygienists Association
- New Brunswick Medical Society
- National Indigenous Diabetes Association
- Northern Health Region, MB
- Obesity Canada
- Ontario Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance
- Ontario Public Health Association (OPHA)
- Ontario Society of Nutrition Professionals in Public Health
- Ophea
- Ottawa Food Policy Council
- Ottawa Public Health
- Public Health Association of British Columbia
- Physical and Health Education Canada
- Plantiful Plates
- Population and Public Health Program of the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority
- Prince Edward Island Dental Hygienists Association
- Quebec Coalition on Weight-Related Problems
- Saskatchewan Dental Hygienists’ Association
- Saskatchewan Public Health Association
- Saskatchewan Oral Health Coalition
- Spirit Loft Movement & Yoga Centre
- Toronto Public Health
- Troubadour Music
- Unicef Canada
- Vancouver Island Health Authority Medical Health Officers
- Wellness Institute at Seven Oaks General Hospital
- Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre
- Windsor-Essex County Health Unit
- Winnipeg Regional Health Authority
- Yummy Lunch Club
International Endorsing Organizations
- International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD)
- World Obesity Federation
- World Cancer Research Fund International
- Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood
Notable Health Experts & Advocates
- Trevor Hancock, Public health physician, Professor and health advocate
- Andrea Curtis, award-winning children’s author
- Dr. Charlene Elliott, researcher and expert in food marketing, policy and children’s health
- Dr. Kapil Khatter, a family physician with an interest in healthy food environments
- Dr. Kim Raine, public health nutrition expert and professor
- Dr. Monique Potvin-Kent, researcher and expert on food and beverage marketing directed at children
- Dr. Norm Campbell, hypertension expert and professor
- Raffi Cavoukian, singer, author, founder of Raffi Foundation for Child Honouring
- Dr. Yoni Freedhoff, obesity expert and long-time public health advocate
- Dr. Evan Adams, Chief Medical Officer, First Nations Health Authority
- Dr. Jeff Reading, Heart Health & Wellness Chair, I-HEART Centre for Indigenous Health, Health Providence Health Research Institute
- Dr. Joseph I. Wolfsdorf, Director of Diabetes Program Boston Children’s Hospital Chair in Endocrinology Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School President, International Society of Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes
- Dr. Andrea Scaramuzza, Pediatric Endocrinologist, International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD)- Executive Board 2015-2019
- Dr. Scott Lear, Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University; Pfizer/Heart & Stroke Foundation Chair in Cardiovascular Prevention Research
- Dr. Mark Lechner, Molecular Biologist, Undergraduate Director in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University
- Dr. Madan Roy, Regional Chief/Chair of Pediatrics for Niagara Health; Deputy Chief for McMaster Children’s Hospital
- Dr. Robert Carlin, Public Health Director, Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay (CBHSSJB)
- Dr. Jennifer L. Harris, Ph.D., MBA, Director of Marketing Initiatives, UConn Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity
- Dr. Tim K. Takaro, MD, MPH, MS. Associate Dean Research and Professor Faculty of Health Sciences
- Andre Talbot, Co-founder & Director of the Spirit Loft Movement & Yoga Centre, 10-year CFL football player & Grey Cup Champion, advocate for children’s health
- Dr. Jennifer Taylor, children’s health nutrition, UPEI Professor
- Dr. Claudio Schuftan, M.D. pediatrics and international public health consultant