Young Canadians! Take action against #Marketing2Kids

Fellow Young Canadians,

Did you know? Junk food and drink brands have been targeting us since we were little—even before we knew what advertising was. They know if they hook us on their brands while we’re young that we could become lifelong customers. What’s worse is that over 90% of foods marketed to us are high in salt, sugar or fat.

The food and beverage industry invests billions into marketing research and strategies to manipulate our food preferences. This must stop.

Right now Canada’s federal government is developing regulations to protect kids aged 12 and under from unhealthy food advertising on television and digital media. Unfortunately, draft regulations were not published in June 2023 as the government promised. As a result, we may not get regulations at all. At the same time, the House of Commons and the Senate are debating Bill C-252 —a private’s members bill that will amend the Food and Drugs Act (prohibition of food and beverage marketing directed at children). It completed its second reading in the Senate on May 30th, 2024, where it was then referred to the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology.

Right now Canada’s federal government is debating Bill S-228—a pivotal bill that would prevent food industry from marketing unhealthy foods and drinks to children 12 and under. Why is this even a thing, right? It is critical that this bill is passed.

As young Canadians, we can help support Health Canada’s regulations and Bill C-252. But we need your help. It’s time for us to speak up.

The Young Canadians Against Marketing to Kids created an advocacy toolkit to help you take action against marketing to kids in your school, community and on social media. You will find many resources you can use to show our government that Bill S-228 is extremely important to young Canadians.

Share on Social Media
You can start by using #Marketing2Kids on all social media platforms and follow @YouthAgainstM2K on Twitter! Let your community know why #Marketing2Kids matters to you. Consider tweeting the Prime Minister and your MP with examples of junk food marketing in your community.

Thank you for taking action against the marketing of unhealthy food and beverages to kids! The laws and regulations we advocate for today will shape our future and the future of generations to come. It’s time to show Canada this is an issue young Canadians care about.