Hosting Healthy Sporting Events –
Fact Sheets
The University of Calgary has produced a number of teaching tools and facts sheets which can be found here.
Screen Smart!
Screen Smart! is a classroom-based program for teachers and health professionals who work in schools settings. This initiative is designed to make students from kindergarten to grade 6 aware of how much time they spend in front of screens while encouraging them to choose healthy physical or recreational activities.
The program offers teachers with interactive, in-class activities for 5 to 10 days, encouraging students to participate in the Ultimate Screen Challenge. All family members are invited to participate. Click here to find the program in French or English.
Healthy Fundraising
Stay Active Eat Healthy aims to increase the healthy food and beverages choices while restricting unhealthy options in municipal and community recreation facilities. Tips for healthy fundraising can be found here.
DASH BC’s Healthy Fundraising for Schools tool provides healthy fundraising ideas that meet the Guidelines for Food and Beverage Sales in BC Schools.
International Resources
Anna Lappé and Food Mythbusters >
Irish Heart Foundation: Who’s feeding the kids online?
UConn Rudd Centre for Food Policy and Obesity: Older but still vulnerable: All children need protection from unhealthy food marketing