Tag Archive for: saturated fat

Freedhoff: Canada’s Senate must pass bill that restricts food marketing to kids

Ottawa Citizen

OpEd by Dr. Yoni Freedhoff addressing industry myths around Bill S-228 and provide the facts. Read OpEd here

Sample Tweets for Dr. Yoni Freedhof OpEd

English:”Bill S-228 has been studied, it has been through all of the proper channels & it is just waiting for a final vote.” @YoniFreedhoff’s op-ed on myths & stall tactics in the @OttawaCitizen. #SenCA call a vote, our kids have seen enough! Stop #Marketing2Kids #cdnpoli bit.ly/2JlYwAe

French:  “Bill S-228 has been studied, it has been through all of the proper channels and it is just waiting for a final vote” L’article de @YoniFreedhoff sur les mythes et les tactiques dilatoires dans l’@OttawaCitizen. @SenatCA nos enfants en ont assez vu #polcan https://bit.ly/2JlYwAe

It’s time to bring food marketing bill to a vote in the Senate

iPolitics | Le Devior
Great OpEd by Senator Dean, outlining challenges experienced in getting bills such as Bill S-228 passed, despite the bill undergoing extensive debate and having wide approval. Read Ottawa Citizen OpEd here | Read Le Devior OpEd here

Sample Tweets

English: “Our children are at special risk because so many have spent their lives eating highly processed foods and are vulnerable to certain types of advertising.” @TonyDean_TO’s op-ed on Bill S-228 in @ipoliticsca  @SenateCA call a vote and stop #Marketing2Kids https://bit.ly/2CrjwPV

French: “Les enfants sont bombardés de publicités de produits de faible qualité nutritive, et ce, sur divers fronts.” @TonyDean_TO sur le projet de loi S-228 dans @LeDevoir. @SenatCA adoptez #BillS228 et restreindre les #PubDestinéeAuxEnfants https://bit.ly/2W9BgXp