Tag Archive for: advertising to children
Marketers are gathering data on your kids from the apps they use, study finds
Social media groups urged to block ads targeting teens
Financial Times
Facebook, Google and other tech platforms should stop allowing advertisements to be targeted at teenagers, said a group of leading academics, lawyers and privacy campaigners in the UK. Restrictions are already in place on targeting teenagers with alcohol and gambling advertisements, but the signatories to the letter said all targeted advertising should stop. “The problem isn’t just age-inappropriate ads,” said Oliver Hayes, policy and campaigns lead at the charity Global Action Plan. “It’s that targeted ads are inherently exploitative and manipulative, regardless of content.” Read the article here
Junk food marketers found targeting children on social media without repercussions
Medical XPress
A new study has found that while most major social media platforms have restrictions on the advertising of tobacco, alcohol and gambling to children, there are hardly any such restrictions in place around junk food. The study’s authors contend that the potential role of social media platforms in regulating junk food marketing has largely escaped attention. Read the article here
You can read the study here
Obesity researchers say Coke and Pepsi should stop targeting communities of color with ads
Fast Company
Black children and teens see more than twice as many sugary drink ads (256 and 331 ads per year) as their white counterparts, according to a new report by the University of Connecticut’s Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity. Sugary drinks are also heavily advertised on Spanish-language TV, particularly Coke and Gatorade; Powerade devotes a third of its TV ad dollars to Spanish-language TV. (Only 13% of Americans speak Spanish at home.) You can read the article here
You can read the study here
Physicians group calls for legislation to regulate digital advertising and its effect on kids
To help protect kids from the harmful effects of digital advertising and data collection, the American Academy of Pediatrics is calling on lawmakers to ban all advertising targeted to children under the age of 7. The group is urging limits to advertising aimed at those under 17. Read the article here
Kellogg’s pulls Pringles ad from Joe Wicks ‘PE with Joe’ YouTube show
Trevor Hancock: Standing up to help secure our children’s future
The Times-Colonist (Victoria, BC)
Trevor Hancock discusses the health impacts of poverty and inequality, and commercial activities like marketing to kids that harm children. Both were included in A Future for the World’s Children?, the February 2020 report from the WHO-UNICEF-Lancet Commission. Read the article here
Irish Heart Foundation calls for marketing bans on junk food to combat childhood obesity
Irish government research estimates that 85,000 of today’s children will die prematurely due to obesity. The Irish Heart Foundation is looking to decrease childhood obesity by 50% in the next decade and has proposed new taxes on sugary products as well as an end to price promotions for unhealthy foods and drinks. Read the article here
Kellogg’s agrees to stop calling its sugary cereals ‘healthy’
In a lawsuit filed against Kellogg Company this year a group of people in New York and California asked if Kellogg’s breakfast products contain significant amounts of added sugar, why are they labelled as “healthy,” “wholesome” or “nutritious”? Kellogg Company settled with plaintiffs before going to trial and agreed to remove such terms purporting health benefits. Read the article here